Measure staircase pointcloud
Used skills: Python, Open3D, and Intel Realsense.
I created an application and device for the company Oostsoft Pro B.V. to measure staircases using the pointclouds generated with a depth camera.
A big part of the project was reading, generating and optimalizing pointclouds. After the pointclouds were optimized and registrated, they could be used to detect surfaces and corners. Which are used to measure the object using the gathered data.
I worked on the project together with Gwen van der Woude, who focussed on the physical device, whereas I worked on the software and data gathering.
Unfortunately I am not allowed to show any code for this project.
Logo classificatie
Used skills: Python, OpenCV, Tensorflow, and Pytesseract.
I created a machine learning application for the company Oostsoft Pro B.V.
The application was made to automatize classifying company documents with the use of machine learning.
The program will use the layout of the document and the type of logo to determine what kind of document it is.
The program used a PDF as an input, and it creates a directory with the results of the logo classification as it’s output.
This application was one of the projects that I worked on during my internship at Oostsoft Pro B.V.
Unfortunately I am not allowed to show any code for this project.
3D visual framework
Used skills: C++, OpenGL, CMake, Git, yEd UML, and Doxygen.
The framework is created using OpenGL.
The goal of this project was to make it easy for the user of my framework to render objects and textures in realtime.
To get the framework to work, I had to focus my efforts into rendering, shaders, loading textures/models, shadowmapping, and class structures.
The time frame of this project was 20 weeks. Even though I couldn’t complete the project, I plan on recreating the framework to both improve and finish it.