Do you want to learn more about the projects that I have worked on? Well, you are in the right place!
Here you will find some of my favorite projects, including descriptions, used skills, and more information about each individual project.

Nature's defense

Used skills: Unity and C#.

Nature's defense is a top-down dungeon crawler I made for my test exam at the Alfa College.

For the exam I had to make a game within 8 weeks, including a fully written out Game Design Document, Technical Design, and Project Plan.

In Nature's defense your goal is to navigate a procedurally generated level. While you are navigating through the level, you must fight multiple types of enemies that are found within the level.

Due to the limited time, I was unable to finish the entire game, however I plan to finish the rest of the game in the future, to be able to publish it.

Nature's defense was made in collaboration with Melissa Dammer.

Missing Files 404

Used skills: Unity and C#.

Missing Files 404 is a game made during the Global Game Jam 2021. We had 48 hours to create a video game.

The theme of the Global Game Jam was: "Lost and found", our team came with the idea to create a game where multiple game-files are missing, rendering the game unplayable.

The player must find the files and features that were lost. The player must complete multiple puzzles to finish the game.

Missing Files 404 was made in collaboration with: Giovanny Brugge, Lars Huiting, Gwen van der Woude, Zoë Slor, and Cas Wijers.

Intergalactic Inspection

Used skills: Unity and C#.

Intergalactic Inspection is a Dutch game, with Dutch dialogue.

In Intergalactic Inspection you play as a private investigator on the moon. You must speak with the civilians on the moon to try and catch the person sabotaging the moon civilization.

The game is een 3D serious-game, focused on showing how the architecture and life on the moon could theoretically look like in the year 2200 as a Utopia.

Intergalactic Inspection was made in collaboration with: Giovanny Brugge, Jowan de Ruiter, Jasmijn Korving, and Dianne Kotvis.

Space Explorer

Used skills: Unity and C#.

In Space Explorer there is a procedurally generated solar system with procedurally generated planets.

In the game there are multiple planets you can travel to using a spaceship. The planets are being generated using Simplex Noise and Perlin Noise.

During the development of Space Explorer, the main focus was on the procedural generation, instead of the gameplay. Because of that there isn't any real gameplay, except from traveling from planet to planet.

Unfortunately I do not have access to this project anymore, and thus I am unable to
showcase this project.

Het leven van een student

Gebruikte technieken: Flash / Adobe animate and Actionscript.

Het leven van een student is a simple Dutch sidescroller.

Het leven van een studen is a serious game made for the Groninger Krediet Bank, a dutch 'credit bank' which primarily focuses on helping people getting out of debt.

The game is a 2D sidescroller. The goal is to collect currency, while simultaneously balancing out your money, happiness, and energy.

Het leven van een student was made in collaboration with: Merijn de Wit, Mirthe van Zwol, Melissa Dammer, Madelief Strengholt.

Sea mechanics

Used skills: Unity en C#.

Sea Mechanics is a game made during the Global Game Jam 2020 with
the theme being: "Repair".
We had 48 hours to create Sea Mechanics.

We had the idea to create a game where you had to repair a ship while you are sailing on it. To repair the ship and prevent it from stopping, you had to "fish" materials from the ocean as you sailed past.

The goal was to make sure the ship was repaired long enough to reach your destination.

Sea Mechanics was made in collaboration with: Hugo Dijkstra, Joaquim Obispo, Cas Wijers and Zuhra Fuad.

Security Chaos

Used skills: Unity and C#.

Security Chaos is a game specifically made for a custom Arduino controller that was made for this project.

In Security Chaos you play as an A.I. in a security system. You have to protect the building from invaders by activating multiple sensors on the custom controller.

By using the sensors and custom inputs on the controller, you are able to set off specific traps, and switch the camera to different rooms.

Security Chaos was made in collaboration with: Giovanny Brugge.

The Rising Phoenix

Used skills: Marching Cubes, Unity, C#, and Arduino.

The Rising Phoenix is a game to be used using a custom Arduino controller that was specifically made for this game. The game is NOT playable with a mouse and keyboard.

The custom controller has a gyroscope and input buttons to control the Phoenix and fly around. The goal is to fly to specified areas in the sky which get activated once the game realized you have flown a specific distance.

The terrain is procedurally generated using the Marching Cubes algorithm.